Our hearts are with you...I am lighting a candle and sending that light and love to your dear little household. Through tears I am writing a thank you for sharing her with us, and we send our most gentle hugs in these coming days.... JoRene and Terry and our 8 month old puppy Bisou xoxo

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I Hope Baba recovers and you have (much) more time together. Our cat, Emma, nearly died on my birthday in 2021. She was tentatively diagnosed with lymphoma and the vet said her life expectancy was 6 months to a year. Emma is still with us. She’s refusing to take any meds now and I’m terrified whenever I hear a cat puke. She sleeps much more than she used to and stays glued to her heating pad. She’s 17 and I know our time is limited.

I’ve come to realize that cats have their own timeline. I think Baba has hers. She’ll leave when she’s ready. She’ll tell you.

Much love to you both. ❤️

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There is so much love contained in this post. Sending you so much back x

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Thinking of you and your sweet Baba. The love and happiness you give each other will be a comfort always. The sweet outlasts the bitter.

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I am so touched by your words. My thoughts are with you and Baba. Sending much love!

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Sending so much love to you and Baba.

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Sending love to you and Baba, Susannah.

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This unlocked something within me. Connecting with your reflections has invited in compassion for parts of me that have complicated feelings about losses past and choices by the younger versions of me. Thank you for your full, beautiful share. My thoughts are with you and your Baba.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

There are no right words. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking. They truly do leave paw prints on your heart & in your soul. I feel like your cat was one of my own having been a follower of you since before she came into your life. One of my three passed away back in May & I am still processing. Sending you love, light and peace in this difficult time. 💙💜💚

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Paw prints in our hearts. Yes, that's it. Sorry for your loss, it's hard. 💕

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sending the biggest love to you, dear Chris xoxo

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Sending so much love. ✨

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I'm with you. My own sick girl, is sleeping with her head on my hand and it feels like heaven. I don't compare human love and the love for our furry companions. They're beautifully different but there is no hierarchy. Sending love and hopeful thoughts to Baba. She's moved me from a distance, that's how special she is.

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Sending gentle hugs and ear scratches, love xoxo

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Big hugs, Susannah. My heart is hurting for you. I lost my favorite cat, Claude, just days after my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly many years ago. I knew he was sick, but I was grieving my mother and didn't want to lose the only relationship that I thought could bring me through my pain, so I spent thousands of dollars at the vet trying to save him. It didn't work, and I was left with a staggering amount of credit card debt for years to come. I tried to comfort myself by telling myself that, perhaps, my mother needed him more than I did. But the pain was nearly unbearable. As I sit here, many years later, I am with another great cat, who would be my favorite of all time, except that, on occasion, he bites. He bites when he wants to play; he bites when he's excited to see me; he bites when I leave the house; he bites when I spend too much time with my son and not enough time with him. My calves are torn up from his little nips. Anyway, I don't know what my point is other than to say that I can identify with this post in many ways, and I wish I could take your pain away. I think you're also dealing with anticipatory grief, which can be really difficult, too, as we know the end is coming, but we can't predict exactly when so we sit and wait. I experienced so much anticipatory grief with my father's passing. I am holding you and Bubba so close to my heart and sending love and good wishes your way! Bubba is such a dear -- the whole world has fallen in love with her through you! She's touched so many hearts and souls, mine included. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. Through tears --Amy

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Sending such big hugs to you, Amy ❤️ and yes, very much so, this is anticipatory grief xx

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Been meaning to send you a note since I got your newsletter earlier this week. Always thinking of you and sweet Baba, and carrying you both in my heart. 💕

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thank you, my love xoxo

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Sending you all my love and thoughts ♥ I just know how uncomfortable this bit can be, and applaud you for your openness about it. It's a part of love, and life. Hugs ♥

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

The love you share with her is one of my favorite things to witness through these tiny squares and posts on the internet. It hurts my heart that she’s suffering, and that you are too. Sending gentle love. ❤️

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Sending you so much love. We lost our sweet girl to cancer last year, the kitty that turned me into a cat person. She was my wise zen master, my familiar, and her little paw prints sit on my altar now so her spirit will always guide me. I hope, when you’re ready, Baba sends you your next guardian animal spirit to take you through the next chapter of your story.

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