I absolutely love the rawness of your thoughts in these posts. I thank you so very much for sharing some of your soul with us. For me, this is a gift. It's like reading a 3D version of your thoughts xxx

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Thank you so much, Rita ❤️

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I hear ya. Been there so many times.

And I just gotta share this. Rather than throw it all in the compost bin, stuff everything as is into a pot, add water, and boil it. Then you'll at least have a lovely vegetable broth. Veggie vitamins in a broth are better than veggie vitamins in the garbage. Compost the mushy mess and pat yourself on the back. You made broth!!!

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Ha! Yes, i should do that ❤️

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I soooo understand! This is a very common issue for people who are Neuro diverse. I just learned something really, really important about procrastination. I just wrote about it last week. You might enjoy reading it and maybe connecting with Lauren Sapala💜


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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Sorry ....I forgot to say that I count myself as part of the neurodiverse community 💜

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Dearest Girl,

Reading this today is a balm for my soul. It's not a neurodivergent brain I'm dealing with (oh, maybe it is?) I'm recovering from a recent series of mini strokes, brain injury, diagnosis of autoimmune disorder attack on my brain. I also am forever recovering from growing up with horrific child abuse. And this reminds me that I am human. Just like you are. So much love for you right now. And compassion. for me too. We are so much more alike than we are different. Keep writing, keep sharing you are making a soothing, compassion filled soup for people like me. Delicious.

xx sarah

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Thank you, my love, sending the softest gentlest hug to you ❤️

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“ a soothing, compassion filled soup for people like me” - what a lovely way to put it 🧡

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Thank you!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Sending love & support. If I did not have a husband I also would never make the soup. I wish I had the ambition I had even 5 years ago!

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Oh man i so feel this. but my version is not making the soup. (You and I both know I am lucky enough to never have to cook thanks to marrying someone who does) but the GUILT over getting to the end of the day again not having watered the plants! I don’t understand why this task is so hard. I want to do it early in the day so it doesn’t screw me before bed. And guess what I‘m off to do know... guilt soup for the plants. Best phrase ever! Let‘s keep this one. 🥰

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I relate to this so much. Buying ingredients every week for the freshly prepared food from scratch every day person I *used* to be and still aspire to be but instead having fish fingers or a jacket potato in the air fryer. I'm now embracing this season of my life where I choose ease and comfort and accept that preparing meals takes more effort than I'm currently able to muster. And I now accept that more often than not my daily meals will basically be the same, and that my primal hunter gatherer brain will actually be grateful for not having to think about what to eat. Maybe in another chapter of my life I will enjoy and look forward to preparing different meals from scratch but currently I'll take my daily fish fingers and jacket potatoes! 😊

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Same. I eat the same thing and same combinations over and over as it's less taxing on my brain. I used to feel so guilty/ashamed about it but i've learned that whatever I can do to get food into me is all that matters. Hence why soup or stew is so great because I can make enough to last a few days... but i gotta catch myself on the right day to actually make it. 🤪 and so it goes xo

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I like to cook but not for one.

It's easier and less expensive to walk down to the pub for a meal.

I do put off other tasks however.

Am I rationalizing?

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I love this so much! As I'm writing this, there's some leek sitting in my fridge, patiently waiting to become potato leek soup. Did I mention, it's been sitting there for 3 weeks? Maybe tomorrow...

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Yes, this. There actually are a lot of ingredients more or less patiently waiting in and around my fridge until I turn them into soup. And I don't allow myself to use some of them in other meals, cause they are for the soup....

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

O.M. F-Ing. G! Are you in my brain? Yes, yes you are. So, Sunday I was at the farm market and I bought a squash to make squash soup and when I got home I opened the cupboard where I store the squash and there were the 4 other squash (squashes?) waiting in the dark for me to get organized enough to make squash soup. So, squash now on the counter...but still waiting... guilt soup, indeed. And here I sit, as well, writing about making/not making soup. And please, if you happen to stumble upon the energy of our twenties and some exec function to spare, do send it my way. :-)

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ah yes, there's been many a squash living in my kitchen like a slowly decomposing troll 😂

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That is the absolute perfect way to describe vegetables that get left in the dark.

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This happens to almost every winter squash I’ve purchased or received. Too much energy required to open it and scoop out the seeds. Will I cut myself while trying to cut this thing open?? That’s why I almost never buy whole squashes any more.

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Gosh I totally get this. I honestly feel that if I didn't have a family then I wouldn't cook. They probably have made me more healthy than I would've been. I hope you make the soup, with an extra loud musical soundtrack, that usually gets me through.

And if not, don't beat yourself up 💓💓💓

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You will make the soup, one day you will. Sunday is my day for soup and I always tell myself I’ll bake a cake too - turns out if I make the soup I can’t be bothered to also make cake. So I sometimes buy the cake and make the soup but maybe I’d be more of a wholesome mum if it was the other way round! 😳😉🙉

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LOL -- I love when you so perfectly articulate all the things that run though my mind. I've so been there.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Dam that was sooo good.

With or with out soup

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I feel this post in a very very real way. It makes me feel so much better knowing that someone else feels this way. I'm not neurodivergent but I feel this deeply.

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