She's beautiful. We are so lucky to share our lives with such honest, and true soul companions.
Can't believe this, but my husband died the same way. One day, suddenly, I got the call. He had died with a coronary heart event. He was 38 (the same age as he). Only 1 year has passed, and yesterday I found you online when I was looking for journaling courses. As with you, we were not in the best place in the relationship, and many things were left untold. I'm so happy I found you - not just because of this, of course, (I'm discovering your work and already a fan), but because, in some way, I found some peace in your words. So, thank you so much. ❤️🌟🐾
"Seventeen years later I’m musing on how my relationship with my cat is more devoted and true than the relationship I had with my lover. And of course it is — there are no lies, no broken promises, no guilt trips, no frustration." - Thank you for writing this. I left my partner of 15 years last year and am still living in our home because of our cats, and people dont understand why I'm still here "for some pets" but I have poured everything I wanted to give to my partner into loving those cats and they accepted and reciprocated.
My 11 year old dog is slowing down and has many lumps and bad hips. I can't bring myself to think about my life without him. He has been my everything since the day I brought him home, he saved me through a horrible divorce after being with my husband for 36 years, when I caught my husband cheating and found out he had been cheating on me for over 20 years. My heart was broke and my sweat Mr. Bean was by myside through all the tears and pain. He means so much to me I will have a terrible time saying goodbye when the time comes.
Dear Susannah. Most days recently I have been thinking of you & how you will grieve so much when your beautiful feline friend leaves you. Believe me I have lost many times in my life, including a boyfriend in my early twenties. As you already know, somehow it will all be ok.
I wanted to write a quick message about a movie called ‘A street Cat Named Bob’ it showed up again on my Foxtel & I thought it may be a lovely movie for you to see….if you haven’t already.
My thoughts are with you, you have a beautiful kind soul 🌷
I'd find it incredibly hard to put a creature I loved through chemo - they can't consent and it's tough. Lost a beloved kitty at 22 a couple of years ago and there's no way to sweeten the pill, but it sounds like you and she have been a blessing to one another.
My old cat died in December last year. I never took her to the vet for a diagnosis. She was handreared and had had a bad experience at the I just watched her decline, like my Nanna was allowed to when I was 17. (She was 92). My Nanna died in our intervention. No doctors. I have a video of my cats last peaceful. No sedation, just the reassurance of my voice, my stroking. She even musterd a surprising pawing for me when I stopped for a second. When she was was with a surprising final breath that caught my dog and me by surprise. We looked at each other...Those moments of regret that people told me I would feel for not resorting to euthanasia weren't true. It was such a peaceful death - in her home, with nothing and no one unfamiliar. (I was my dad's 'death' carer, at his home...I guess that prepared me). It was beautiful. I hope for the best death/transition for your loved cat Nutmeg was a calico...I feel the pain you are going through. I send you so much love. I never actually thought I would get over her death. My baby...handrearerd from new born..but here I am. Sitting near the fire with my dog and my recently rescued cat Winifred. Xxx
I, too, have been relishing when Mosey curls up on my chest, tucks his face into my shoulder and purrs. He's almost stopped eating, so I know I have very little time left with my sweet imperious boy, who has always been a talker, but talks so much more as our time closes. Also, I almost laughed in recognition when you said you comfort yourself with the idea of you with your children in an alternate universe. I tell myself the same thing. Sending you zen hugs and good thoughts as you enjoy your time with Baba. Glad to hear at least one of the foxes continues to come visit your garden.
Crying hard.Your words were mine.Been there,not only once. Cats,father,friends...Same desperate feelings.Trying to grab one more moment.Couldn't let go. Animals as humans deserve quality time. We should have let her go sooner. Too hard and painful for her.We made the decision. We all were with her at home when she was released from agony. Ripped my heart apart and said never again. Kept my promise...for two years.Her name is Sushi. Be brave.
Having lost my own soul animal a few months ago and having suffered other losses, I echo your decision to stay present. Though I miss her terribly every day, I gave her all of me during the last stages of her illness and the gift of a "good death." I have no regrets with how we spent our final days...midnight cuddles and all. It's a surreal time. I wish you strength.
Cats. Kitties. 4-leggeds. If there was a heart emoji it would fill the rest of the little box I have to write in. Thinking of you both! I would be doing and have done what you are doing. Also have done the other. This is better--kinder!
You truly are a gifted writer .... your writing is so honest and heartfelt. Your acceptance of Baba’s diagnosis and despite your own pain deciding to make the absolute best of the time you have left together is truly inspirational. I’ve lost three people close to me to cancer one of which was a close friend. The last time I saw her she told me that if she were an animal they would have put her down long before reaching the stage she was then at. We are fortunately able to make these decisions for our animal companions.
You are both in my thoughts. Sending you lots of love and joy during your remaining time together. 💖💖
She's beautiful. We are so lucky to share our lives with such honest, and true soul companions.
Can't believe this, but my husband died the same way. One day, suddenly, I got the call. He had died with a coronary heart event. He was 38 (the same age as he). Only 1 year has passed, and yesterday I found you online when I was looking for journaling courses. As with you, we were not in the best place in the relationship, and many things were left untold. I'm so happy I found you - not just because of this, of course, (I'm discovering your work and already a fan), but because, in some way, I found some peace in your words. So, thank you so much. ❤️🌟🐾
"Seventeen years later I’m musing on how my relationship with my cat is more devoted and true than the relationship I had with my lover. And of course it is — there are no lies, no broken promises, no guilt trips, no frustration." - Thank you for writing this. I left my partner of 15 years last year and am still living in our home because of our cats, and people dont understand why I'm still here "for some pets" but I have poured everything I wanted to give to my partner into loving those cats and they accepted and reciprocated.
My 11 year old dog is slowing down and has many lumps and bad hips. I can't bring myself to think about my life without him. He has been my everything since the day I brought him home, he saved me through a horrible divorce after being with my husband for 36 years, when I caught my husband cheating and found out he had been cheating on me for over 20 years. My heart was broke and my sweat Mr. Bean was by myside through all the tears and pain. He means so much to me I will have a terrible time saying goodbye when the time comes.
Dear Susannah. Most days recently I have been thinking of you & how you will grieve so much when your beautiful feline friend leaves you. Believe me I have lost many times in my life, including a boyfriend in my early twenties. As you already know, somehow it will all be ok.
I wanted to write a quick message about a movie called ‘A street Cat Named Bob’ it showed up again on my Foxtel & I thought it may be a lovely movie for you to see….if you haven’t already.
My thoughts are with you, you have a beautiful kind soul 🌷
With Love
Linda McGrath
I'd find it incredibly hard to put a creature I loved through chemo - they can't consent and it's tough. Lost a beloved kitty at 22 a couple of years ago and there's no way to sweeten the pill, but it sounds like you and she have been a blessing to one another.
Exquisitely written dear Susannah. I see a memoir about you and Miss Baba in your future.
Thank you, honey, that is something i would truly love to do one day ❤️
My old cat died in December last year. I never took her to the vet for a diagnosis. She was handreared and had had a bad experience at the I just watched her decline, like my Nanna was allowed to when I was 17. (She was 92). My Nanna died in our intervention. No doctors. I have a video of my cats last peaceful. No sedation, just the reassurance of my voice, my stroking. She even musterd a surprising pawing for me when I stopped for a second. When she was was with a surprising final breath that caught my dog and me by surprise. We looked at each other...Those moments of regret that people told me I would feel for not resorting to euthanasia weren't true. It was such a peaceful death - in her home, with nothing and no one unfamiliar. (I was my dad's 'death' carer, at his home...I guess that prepared me). It was beautiful. I hope for the best death/transition for your loved cat Nutmeg was a calico...I feel the pain you are going through. I send you so much love. I never actually thought I would get over her death. My baby...handrearerd from new born..but here I am. Sitting near the fire with my dog and my recently rescued cat Winifred. Xxx
oh my goodness, so many tears... thank you so much for sharing xoxox
I, too, have been relishing when Mosey curls up on my chest, tucks his face into my shoulder and purrs. He's almost stopped eating, so I know I have very little time left with my sweet imperious boy, who has always been a talker, but talks so much more as our time closes. Also, I almost laughed in recognition when you said you comfort yourself with the idea of you with your children in an alternate universe. I tell myself the same thing. Sending you zen hugs and good thoughts as you enjoy your time with Baba. Glad to hear at least one of the foxes continues to come visit your garden.
Crying hard.Your words were mine.Been there,not only once. Cats,father,friends...Same desperate feelings.Trying to grab one more moment.Couldn't let go. Animals as humans deserve quality time. We should have let her go sooner. Too hard and painful for her.We made the decision. We all were with her at home when she was released from agony. Ripped my heart apart and said never again. Kept my promise...for two years.Her name is Sushi. Be brave.
Having lost my own soul animal a few months ago and having suffered other losses, I echo your decision to stay present. Though I miss her terribly every day, I gave her all of me during the last stages of her illness and the gift of a "good death." I have no regrets with how we spent our final days...midnight cuddles and all. It's a surreal time. I wish you strength.
This resonates deeply. I understand and relate to everything you say. I have been in your shoes, it's just really difficult.
Cats. Kitties. 4-leggeds. If there was a heart emoji it would fill the rest of the little box I have to write in. Thinking of you both! I would be doing and have done what you are doing. Also have done the other. This is better--kinder!
Oh love, what a beautiful post. x
You truly are a gifted writer .... your writing is so honest and heartfelt. Your acceptance of Baba’s diagnosis and despite your own pain deciding to make the absolute best of the time you have left together is truly inspirational. I’ve lost three people close to me to cancer one of which was a close friend. The last time I saw her she told me that if she were an animal they would have put her down long before reaching the stage she was then at. We are fortunately able to make these decisions for our animal companions.
You are both in my thoughts. Sending you lots of love and joy during your remaining time together. 💖💖
So beautiful Susannah! They are an absolute blessing. Thank you for your writing.