She is extraordinary indeed. She chose you. X

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

A beautifully written post. I have been where you are on more than one occasion, and this tugged at my soul. ❤️

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I cried reading your post. Your words touched my heart so. Having lost my Ulysses three years ago, I find there is sorrow - the grief remains, but so does the love. Sending love to you.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

They are the bonds beyond all other. The healing we didn’t know we needed. Such a powerful thing, and I’m so sorry the two of you are preparing for goodbyes already. This was such a beautiful, honest, heartbreaking read. I continue to think of you both and wish you the best days together 🖤

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I’m with you on this journey and I hope you realise how lucky she is to have you as her human companion. I’m writing to suggest something for you to consider - a death doula, I have encountered a few recently and I wonder if it’s something that could support you.

When death is a part of every moment, holding on to life and the moments of joy is really the way. Sending you and Baba warmth and love ❤️

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I shed some much-needed tears reading this...I also lost my first husband at age 32. wishing you and Baba the best as you love eachother through this heartbreaking challenge.

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Big hugs to you, honey xxx

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Well said, well said.

I think we’re always chosen by our pets, even if from shelters.

I was recently chosen by a two month old kitten, re: little night terror to me and my older cat. He’s growing on us, well me, not sure about the Mama Cat.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Beautiful words.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

i love you

i love you.

how you are staying so present in the now with baba, how rather than dwelling in hope, you are savoring every single moment with her, making sure she is her most comfortable and living her bestest life up until it is time for her to pass on, is exactly how i wish i would have navigated my sister's cancer. i dwelled in hope. in the "have you tried this?" and my trying to fix it or be in denial of the inevitable was not what she needed. it wasn't what our relationship needed. i am learning through this journey of you and baba. i am learning for the next. your relationship, your connection to her is so so divine. she indeed chose you. she will choose you again and again.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Author

I love you, my sister ❤️ I would have dwelled in hope in your shoes too, honey. You didn't do it wrong at all xxxx

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

This was so beautifully written, Susannah. We so deeply love our animal babies.... ♥️

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Oh Susannah. I think Ive told you before that I really had no idea about cats before having one. They are truly little treasures, Im glad Baba has you to treasure her. Love to you both x

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We don't know until we know... and then we're so grateful. How lucky we are!

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Hug. long and gentle. A hug for you.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

This resonates so deeply with me. I have come to understand, gradually, how much loving and being loved by a pet companion changes you and actually makes you better - if you let it. So amazing to me. So much love to you and Baba!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

What you are giving Baba by Not giving her chemo is a true gift. She is continuing to live her best cat life because of you and you are able to love her & enjoy the time you have left rather than watching her suffer through a treatment that will only prolong the inevitable.

God bless you both Susannah. ♥️🐈

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Thank you, Vikki ❤️⭐️

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I just lost my cat of 17 years a month ago. She was my shadow, my sweetest little love, and my constant companion. I didn't know how I would survive her loss, and yet I seem to be. I miss her every day, but wouldn't trade away the heartbreak for anything in this world. Enjoy your days with your Baba - your journey together at the end is a balm for all of our cat-loving souls.

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The biggest hugs to you, love xxoxoxo

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Beautiful post🐾🐈‍⬛😻❤️. We made a similar decision with our cats Christie and Elaina. We wanted them to have the best quality of life at the end. I miss our girls deeply. We said goodbye to Christie in 2021 and it was so hard. I empathize with your situation.

To my surprise and delight, we decided to adopt a kitten in December of 2021. Her name is Ursula and she is such a sweetie. I wish she could have met my old girls.😻

I’m sending you all the love. Give your kitty a snuggle for me. Xoxo

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Ursula is such a cool name for a cat! 😻

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Thanks! It's the name she came with, and we stuck with it. It means "little bear." I'm so happy we adopted Ursula from the shelter! xoxo

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It was also my mom's name (although everyone called her Ulla) 😍 Love that you kept the name!

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