deletedNov 29, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway
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You are not nuts 👍🏻 It sounds like you have a magical brain like me ❤️ My ADHD "symptoms" (more like my way of being) have gotten so much more pronounced the last few years as I wade through peri. Getting the official diagnosis hasn't changed anything, in a way, and yet now I have such insight into SO MUCH in my past and how i do things now. It's been so helpful!! Highly recommend getting properly assessed so you have the information you need. You got this! x

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Welcome to the club :-) You pretty much explained my own personal ADHD journey to a tee.

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That's actually very reassuring to know! Thank you ❤️👍

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Welcome to the club. We usually forget to have the meeting but we mean well.

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I mean, we can book it in, but i'm not gonna show up 😂😂

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Best comment EVER! 😍🤣

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I am not surprised. Turns out that all the people I like on the internet have ADHD or are autistic. Including me. Welcome to the club.

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A club of awesomeness then 👍😉😉

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

That was 100% my thought too :-)

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I was just thinking the same thing!

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So far no ADHD (fingers crossed) but I do have 10 notebooks on the go!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Gulp... apparently, I have ADHD too.... you've described me and my fluttery attention/brain almost exactly. Um... thanks, I think.

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I'm finding it very enlightening and helpful to know, so definitely worth looking into, love 👍 Also explains why i am so utterly crap at replying to emails!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

So am i. I feel you.

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Wow, looks like I'm 3/4 ADHD too. Or more. Not sure. But hate to be boxed in anyway 😂

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Woot, sing it loud indeed!

Really fascinating post! :D :D :D

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I’m seeing an awful lot of myself in your blog today. I don’t recall if it started in peri menopause but it’s been raging in my 60s.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

When I finally got my diagnosis, it was like dominoes falling into place - so many things now made sense! I use it as a superpower, knowing how I work. Congratulations!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Thank you for sharing your story! I find ADHD so fascinating, and though I don't have it myself, I can recognise a lot of myself in parts of it. It's all a spectrum, isn't it. :)

I found this series of videos incredibly interesting - highly recommend a watch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzBixSjmbc8eFl6UX5_wWGP8i0mAs-cvY

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brilliant, thanks for this link! ❤️👍

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

🤯 My therapist recently asked if I thought I might have ADD/ADHD and I thought she was crazy. I always did well in school and was able to focus and study easily. But now, I start more projects than I finish and I’m finding it difficult to consistently work on my visual/mixed media memoir. So much of this sounds relatable, and I may need to dig a little deeper. Thanks for this great post! 💜

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

This reminds me when I found out that I’m an INFJ (hmmm….which seems to have some similar ways of being as adhd 😅). It was very freeing because I recognized myself and because there are good reasons for why I do things the way I do. All the best for this new unfolding journey!!❤️

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There is a certain degree of liberation in it, isn't there? We can finally do things our way unapologetically and stop beating ourselves up about all the ways we don't work.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Wowwww, everything you said sounds exactly like me! (especially the part about not liking appointments and needing fluttery brain time!) Not sure if I want to find out more or stick my head in the sand and pretend I didn't just read this blog. haha!

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I understand! 😂😂

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

I woke up this morning thinking about this EXACT topic, really wishing I knew how to come about an official diagnosis. The more I learn about ADHD, the more I feel seen. And I’m sad for my college-aged self that struggled so much, but made it. Wishing she knew and got the help she needed. Now, running a business and feeling like my brain just can’t keep up or remember anything (like you, I need to do/pay things right away or else it’s gone forever), it’s empowering to know there’s help and that I’m not alone. Thank you for sharing all of this Susannah!

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You're definitely not alone, love! ❤️❤️

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

❤️❤️❤️ thank you!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Thank you for sharing this! You described me to a T! I discovered that I probably had ADHD when my teen daughter got her diagnostic. Women version of ADHD is so different, and most of them pass under the radar. I'm happy my daughter will have the tools to make it work to her advantage... and it was enlightening for me!

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