The tip for writing a letter to my muse is fantastic! Thank you so much! I hope you and your cat remain well. xoxo Sheridan

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Love all of these suggestions, especially the one about allowing space to not be creative. Sometimes that can be so difficult when we have expectations for how "productive" we're supposed to be. Your story of having moments of creativity while moving through grief is just so poignant and human. Thank you Susannah, and hugs to you and Baba.

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Love this Susannah. I am so glad that after a few years' of building and creating my business, to be back in your 'warm embrace of the words' is a treat! It is precisely my fallow creative field needed at the moment. Soaking up Baba's gentle vibe too and sending her healing energy. xo

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The reminder to rest. Shift gears. Play. ❤️ Thank you. Hugs to Baba! xo

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Love your space. But, I certainly would not want to have to dust all those dolls! Such a pretty kitty and I am holding both of you in my heart. Thanks for sharing what you can when you can.

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Thank you for letting us into your cave and your thoughts, it feels like a privilege. And I’m so grateful for the inspiration from you to let my inner child take up all the space she wants in my life and my work. It makes it all easier and so much more fun!

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Ahhhh, my sweet friend, this feels so RIGHT to where I am right now too 💖💖💖 I don’t know how you always do it, but you do.

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Thank you, i really needed this. I am single, I look after a very problematic mother and I have a cat with health issues ( nothing deadly but tricky and stressful to manage, but my other five cats are fine and they are my joy) i've had the hardest creative block and burnout of my life for more than two years now. I've experienced a sequence of hard losses and grief doesn't go away. Some nights anxiety eats me, but I'm managing to come out, one step at a time.i'm collecting tricks and trips here and there, and I can see this post will be helpful. Sometimes you need someone telling you 'rest, do nothing, do something else, play!', because guilt is always there. I'm so sorry for your cat, I know too well how it feels and I'm sending you hugs

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Thank you for your continued honesty. I, too, have dealt with the slight anxiety of "needing to perform consistently" since joining Substack. But, time and time again, I've realised that my creativity does not do too well with a set schedule. Whilst I do believe some discipline is needed, we can't run water from an empty tap. Writing for the sake of publishing is not for everyone. I see that often with sensitive heart-led souls.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Very inspiring dear Susannah. I love bathing in the images and music too. Love your dollies! I'm so upset about Baba and admire your holding it together for you both.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Love this post Susannah ! I love how true and sincere you are in your rawness . So vulnerable yet so real. It described my days as well. I’m an introvert physician lol 😂- how the heck did that happen . The more I work with patients the more I réalisé how much I enjoy just working from home . But to ensure i get out there - I purposefully started to create procedure days. This is so that when I do get out and come back to my craft room/ it feels like sighhhhhh love being here .

My dolly world took off from you. They have been awaiting their new faces but by now I am so used to them - I may just leave them as is . I do want to try changing their clothes like you do, in order to invoke creativity .

I have so many projects waiting….. maybe I should try out this platform too . Just to have my own writing muse .

Big hugs to baba !

Love Natasha

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Thank you for sharing this! Love seeing creative spaces of other people. It sure does inspire.

I would love to read/see more of your Dollyverse and also closer look to the books on your shelves.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Susannah Conway

Thank you for sharing this Susannah. I loved the video you made. I'm very curious about the Dollyverse too. Going to make some tea and do some journaling now, thanks for sharing your spark.

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"Let. it. breathe." This happens for me so often. I'll be all hot to write/create something, and then I hit a wall. Allowing myself (ha! that can be such a challenge!) to give it some space is the greatest gift, because the wall magically evaporates - every time - and I'm returned to the creative pool and its endless inspiration. Also, your creative cave is beyond dreamy. Thanks so much for sharing. 💖

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Love this so much! And the video of your creative space ❤️ You're in such a tender space and your analogy of going fallow after intense periods of creation, or while going through difficult times, is so spot on. Modern life has forgotten, or is willfully ignoring, the seasonality of everything: our days, our months, our years, our lives, mother earth. Thank you for such thoughtful reflections. xo

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