Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happiest of birthdays to you!!

I recently had a birthday as well, turned 52, and yes! I enjoyed the simplest of celebrations with my dearest friends and it was so full of love all I'm left with is deep, deep gratitude. There is something about being comfortable in my own skin that comes with these years that is the most gracious and graceful gift I never knew was coming.

Thank you for sharing your words with us all over the years, via your newsletter and now, here. The wisdom, truths and honesty have been received with gladness.

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Thank you, Ellen! Happy 52 to you! 🎉

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HaPpY BiRtHdAy! ⭐️🎉⭐️ 🦊 wait your already have a book?! I feel like I didn’t know that?! 📖 all sounds a glorious and so glad you’ve had a nice day. Cx

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Thank you lovely! And yes! It was published in 2012 and I believe you can still get it on Kindle - it's called This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart ❤️

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Oh beautiful I will get it!! 📕

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Happy 50!🎉

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Happy birthday, dear one. You continue to inspire. Grateful for the space your words hold in this world.

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I just left you a voice note but I’m here too to say happy birthday to you, my friend. I have a feeling this will be an extraordinary decade for you! Congratulations on your new podcast - I know it will be full of heart, soul and intelligence. I love you. ❤️

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Dear Susannah. A very happy 50. Birthday to you! Hope, you had a wonderful day. Will be turning 50. next month too.

I‘m absolutely thrilled by your courses.

Did the Soul Bundle first and just finished JYL and Daily Guidance. They really have been a revelation. Now looking foward to the start of 78 mirrors on Monday. You are just amazing and truly a blessing. THANK YOU!

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aw, thank you Sabine! can't wait for tomorrow! ❤️

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Happy Birthday Susannah. 💕🦋 As a 51 year old, your Voice notes from a friend and book (yay!!!) feel much needed and I’m excited to follow along on this journey.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happy Birthday and Continuation Day,Susannah.,💜🌈 Lots of joy, peace, wellbeing, love. I love being in my fifties😍

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happy birthday Susannah!

To paraphrase George Burns; " I wish I was 50 again." :-)

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Hi Susannah, is there a way to pay using Paypal? I don't trust inputting card details online - been bit too many times! :(

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Hi love! Not at the moment -- Substack only gave me to option to connect my Stripe account with my Substack. I've used Stripe to process course payments for easily 7+ years and never had an issue but i totally understand your reluctance to pay online! xx

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happy birthday! As 50 is looming larger for me, I’ve been watching your journey for cues on how to get older gracefully (or semi-gracefully, we all have bad days). Thank you so much for sharing your journey! Growing up in an age where youth above all, I didn’t have too many role models for how to embrace the crone years. (Actually, as I type this, I realize I did …) Anyway, before this becomes something that should be in my journal, what you said about reaching out to your younger adult selves really resonated, and I can’t wait to hear more about that. Enjoy your day with Baba!

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We are each other's role models, my love! ❤️

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Congrats Susannah! Welcome to the 50s - it is pretty awesome, isn't it? I mean, it's hard too at times, but you know how to live these years. I have appreciated your candor and view on the world from a creative, caring woman aging into her 50s. Love it! Hope it is the happiest of years as you lean into this decade. Congrats on the growing platforms and now a podcast? So awesome that we get to hear more of your voice. As always, I am reading and paying attention to see what you have next. All the very best, Audrianna Joy Gurr

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happy 50th Susannah! I celebrated my 50th when I was 51 due to the lockdowns and now I feel a bit shocked that I’m

Actually 52! 🤣

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Ps, I love everything about this piece x

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I’m in! When I started to follow you on the initial Ink on my fingers, I was not brave enough to talk, so I’ve been silently cheering from the sidelines:) I’m so happy to be able to support your work these days and to be included in this circle. Thank you! And happy birthday!

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Thank you so much Natasha! I feel your support!! ❤️

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Happy Birthday Susannah, it does feel so wonderful to hold our pets. My little dog is 17 this month! I am way past 50, but I remember that day, it was wonderful

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