Oh wow. The idea of connecting with, loving and healing the 30-something and even 40-something me. Never thought of that. It’s deep. It’s necessary. Thank you for bringing that up. I love that you’re going to talk more about it in the upcoming course. Thank you. I love these “Thoughts from this morning” posts. I can relate to many of those thoughts and also, it helps me unravel some of my own thoughts. “Borrowing” your word there. 🥰

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Some of my thoughts in the morning are similar to yours, as I understand you. Every time I try to get up, I think, "I'm tired", "I don't want to", "What am I in for? Let me sleep", "I need to do... [THE LIST IS ENDLESS]." And a host of other thoughts.

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I just wanted to drop a line as a long time reader, and wish you good thoughts and vibes for your future dr appt. I hope you are able to find joy in the simple things and of course in Baba and the adorable foxes. I also want to send continued good thoughts to your dear Baba. I always open your emails hoping for news of her and that she is doing ok. I just love seeing her little face and am sending hugs her way. Yay for foxes! Was it a neighbor or the landlord that didn’t want them around? I’m so glad they’ve come anyway. 😉

Sending hugs your way,

Lisa in Illinois

And my three kitties 😻

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Oh my goodness, itst like a glimpse into a days worth of the tabs in my own mind. Feel this!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

I so get this. Your swirling thoughts on paper are quite profound. [And side note, as an American I've actually been crazy curious about what you all across the pond are going through regarding the coronation, because, yeah, wow.] What a gift your beautifully vulnerable self has shared here. Thank you.

And OMG! My poor younger selves!! After reading this, my 51 self just flashed through the decades wanting to befriend a Carrie in each decade... my 16, 29, 35, and 42 year old Carries. That one line was quite the mic drop.

P.S. Your "jealousy vs envy" comment reminded me of Brené Brown's absolutely fabulous (and gorgeous) book "Atlas of the Heart". I highly recommend it if you haven't already given it a whirl. It's a brilliant representation and description of the 87 emotions connected to the human experience... as only Brené can tell.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Wait, did you just stalk my journal pages??

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Relatable, are you in my head?

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Beautiful Susannah, so much to consider and go deeper with here.

I also felt angry about the Coronation this week - I mostly let it wash over me but the thing that got me mad was I saw an ad to let me know our local libraries have created packs of red, white and blue wild seeds as gifts to commentate it.

It’s funded by the local authority where children live who can’t afford to eat, have holes in their shoes and carry their belongings in plastic bags. Wild Flowers are a beautiful thing of course but resource for humanity needs to be considered in all this.

We’re in the Northumberland and it seems our government just cannot balance growing family poverty with the invitation for gross show and tell. Yes he’s a King - no we as a community don’t need to waste money on knowing that.

Sorry - needed to get that out.

Back to tend to the garden and make waves away from it all. ⭕️🙌🏻

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I'm so with you on all of this. The money that's being wasted on this unnecessary spectacle (it's 2023! Times have changed!) is eye watering and shameful

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Reading inside your mind was rather entertaining and relatable. I thought is was just me 🫣

I have a line of a Pink Floyd song which has run through my head for years.Now 58 years old,

‘There’s someone in my head and it’s not me!’

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Absolutely right, I love quiet, melodic songs. Thank you for showing it to me.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

OMG I love this so much!!! It's a cool prompt that I intend to try, making a list like this! And the little fox! You're so lucky to get to see them grow in all their supreme cuteness! Oh, his dear little face. I'm swooning!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Honestly Susannah, this is the most laugh out loud, gorgeously relatable list I've ever read. You gave me such a joyful moment today. Thank you!! Thoughts during this email: 1. I can't spell her name right 2. Am I being presumptuous? 3, I need to run do kids pickup! 4. Maybe she meant this seriously and I'm being offensive? LOL......

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You just made me laugh too 🤣❤️😘

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Ditto. It's exhausting.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Yes -- squirrel brain that's me 🐿️ Love that you always feel inclined to order a card deck... 🤣🌺

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Glad to know my brain isn't the only one that does this!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Thank you for sharing this Susannah, this list looks so much like mine, like my self-talk. I needed to see it, to recognize it through my tears. Sometimes I hate adulting.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Susannah Conway

Oh my yes. I'm 68. It's not easier. In fact sometimes it's harder. I want my 30-year-old self so I can make some changes before it starts. Thanks for sharing this. As you can see, you are not alone.

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